Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Traditionally, fall starts after Labor Day.  This holds true for most of the U.S., unless you're in Texas.  "Fall" in Texas means that temperature remains in the lower to mid 90's with a greater chance of rain and a higher risk of a hurricane hitting.  We don't have the trees that turns that really pretty red, we have trees that will brown in October. We also have a lot of mosquitoes after every rain shower... 

However, there are good things that happens in Texas during our "fall."  With higher temperatures and rainfall, I can still plant things without the fear that the cold affecting the growth.  A few weeks ago, I planted some jalapeno peppers, tomatoes, and some basil.  They're all thriving.  

See! there is a teeny tiny little pepper growing on my plant!!!!!

And the basil is sprouting well in my home made, self watering planter.

And I've found this growing in my chives pot.  I'm not sure if it's chives growing or some weed seeds that got blown into the pot.  To tell you the truth, I wasn't expecting the chives to grow since the seeds are from last summer and not quite properly stored.  We'll see what this grows into... 

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